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The outcome of the runoffs in Georgia may mean a lot to the rest of the country, but that doesn't mean that the rest of the country should get heavily involved in the runoffs. There are real risks to outsiders' harming the Democrats' chances of winning. Here is a helpful analysis of how that could happen.
But don't overdo it with your donations. In 2017, Ossoff's chances were hurt when he ended up getting vastly more money from out of state than from Georgia.
Here are social media campaigns that either invoke Georgia's history or highlight a current or future need that has been identified by the candidates.
Inspire Georgians by invoking their state's decades-long march towards universal Civil Rights.
Inspire voters with policies designed to improve life right now.
Inspire voters with policies designed to create a bright future for all Georgians.
The rest of us could learn a lot from Georgia about voting. So let's watch!
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